There are also at least 379 plant species that have been recorded in the Portland Bight Protected Area, with at least 50 of those found only in Jamaica. There are 17 species of "conservation concern" per the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species in the Hellshire Hills alone. The vegetation of the PBPA provides tens of millions $ USD annually in carbon sequestration services.
Here is a sampling of some them - click to expand.
There are 4 species of Mangrove in Hellshire, they have a similar habit and habitat but are not closely related - Ted Lee Eubanks
Mangroves are extremely important plants that maintain the integrity of the shoreline in the PBPA during storms. White Mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Flowers of the Buttonwood Mangrove (Conocarpus erectus) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) seeds can float in water for up to a year and thrive, allowing them to spread to distant shores - Ted Lee Eubanks
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Seed pod of the Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Scarlet Cordia (Cordia sebestena) in Hellshire - Tiana F. Rehman, Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Female Prickly Pear Tree (Opuntia spinosissima) . The only large and healthy population of this plant is in Hellshire - Andreas Oberli
Rare Jamaican endemic Grey Birch (Bursera hollickii) found almost exclusively in the PBPA. Four trees were rediscovered on Long Mountain in 2000; the total estimated number of these trees is 20-30. At 25+ meters, it is one of the tallest trees in the dry tropical forest, together with the equally rare West Indian Mahogany and Silk Cotton Tree - Andreas Oberli
Grey Birch is in the family Burseraceae which includes Frankincense and Myrrh - Amanda Neill
Common endemic Silver Thatch Palm (Coccothrinax jamaicensis) typically forms stands like this and is most frequently found in Hellshire and Portland Ridge. It is an important food source for birds and provides raw material for local craft manufacture (woven bags, baskets, hats, etc.) - Andreas Oberli
Ripening fruits of the rare Opuntia jamaicensis - Andreas Oberli
Attractive flowers of the rare Opuntia jamaicensis precede fruiting - Andreas Oberli
Highly threatened, the Opuntia jamaicensis is only found on the north side of Hellshire near Salt Island Creek and Salt Island Lagoon and no where else in the world - Andreas Oberli
Mushrooms take advantage of vertical real estate in the forest of the Hellshire Hills - Dawn Fleuchaus
An orchid found only in Jamaica, Broughtonia sanguinea - Ted Lee Eubanks
The native Noni (Morinda royoc) is a favorite food of butterflies and the Jamaican Iguana - Ted Lee Eubanks
The Google-eyed Vine (Myriopus poliochros) is occasionally found in Portland Ridge - Ted Lee Eubanks
Seaside Mahoe (Thespesia populnea) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Seaside Purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) - Ted Lee Eubanks
Sea Grape (Coccoloba uvifera) fruits are edible when purple and full of vitamins - Ted Lee Eubanks
Seaside Bean (Canavalia maritima) is a common beauty in the PBPA - Ted Lee Eubanks
Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae) , the subspecies brasiliensis is found in the PBPA - Ted Lee Eubanks
Aloe vera has long been known to the people of Jamaica for its medicinal benefits - Kimberly Stephenson
Bauhinia divaricata , a small tree found on the limestone hills of Hellshire. - Ted Lee Eubanks
Rhabdadenia biflora , a vine that is frequently found near mangroves.