Jamaican Iguana

The endemic Jamaican Iguana (Cyclura collei) is only found in a very small area within the Hellshire Hills. Thought to be extinct since the 1940s, this beautiful animal was re-discovered in 1990 and through intense conservation efforts the population has rebounded for now. International and Jamaican agencies have long recognized that a key component to the long-term persistence for the iguana lies in reintroduction to additional predator-controlled areas, namely the Goat Islands. A biodiversity reserve established on the Goat Islands, highlighting the iguana and other iconic endemic species, has significant economic potential for ecotourism.

The recovery of the Jamaican Iguana is regarded as one of the world's most remarkable conservation success stories.

Female Jamaican Iguana - Rick Van Veen
Female Jamaican Iguana - Rick Van Veen
Male Jamaican Iguana
Male Jamaican Iguana - Joseph Burgess
Jamaican Iguana - Joseph Burgess
Iguanas are good climbers, but adults usually stay on the ground - Joseph Burgess
Female Cyclura collei
The iguana's tough skin protects them from the sharp karst limestone in Hellshire - Evert Henningheim
Can you spot the male Jamaican Iguana? - Evert Henningheim
Female Jamaica Iguana digging her nest - Evert Henningheim
After laying her eggs, female Jamaican Iguanas are skinny and hungry! - Evert Henningheim
Female iguanas often fight for the best spot at the communal nest sites in Hellhsire - Evert Henningheim
Jamaican Iguana - Joseph Burgess
Jamaican Iguana, posing for her close-up - Joseph Burgess
Jamaican Iguana - Joseph Burgess
Jamaican Iguana - Joseph Burgess